Did you ever see a book and think, “I need to drop everything I’m doing and read this right how?” For me, “My Girlfriends are Pirate Elves” by Eden Redd was exactly that kind of book. I mean, someone’s girlfriends are pirate elves! How can you possibly see that and not need to know more?!


I’m thrilled to say that the story absolutely lives up to the title. From the first chapter I was immediately enamored with Redd’s richly detailed world. The story takes place on “Urth,” which, like the word, is basically Earth but not quite. I thought that was a clever way to instantly establish a “real world” setting that is familiar and commonplace while at the same time allowing for fantastical elements. Elements such as the mysterious, foggy wormhole that leads to the alternate world of Aquris. And you know what they’ve got over in Aquris?


If you guessed pirate elves who are girlfriend material, you are SO right!


Our hero Jon is living a normal, ordinary life when Captain Lillian Silk, a sexy, redheaded, pointy eared pirate, sails through the portal and into his life. And when a chance misunderstanding leads to an unintended kiss, a bond is formed that will change his life forever. Soon he finds himself unwillingly sharing his apartment with four very different, and very assertive elven girls from another dimension. And hilarity ensues.


I loved the fish-out-of-water element of Jon dealing with these girls who basically party-crash his life. He was often pushed around, but he never felt weak or out of control. He remains totally unflappable where a lesser man would be completely and totally… flapped, I guess. But this may be because Jon is hiding a few surprising secrets of his own…


“My Girlfriends are Pirate Elves” is an unputdownable romp with an enticing blend of high-fantasy elements and superhero action. The characters are all well written and uniquely individual, and the love stories (with all the lovely steamy bits) are expertly handled. With moments of levity and heartache in perfect balance, “My Girlfriends are Pirate Elves” is a story about honor, loyalty, and making sacrifices to protect the ones we love.


Read the book!